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About us

Vision Exam

Our vision is to clearly see who we are as part of our community and how we can work together to be a positive force for and on our peers.



Join Us and be a part of positive activities and change in our community.
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Our mission is to be the youthful face and voice of our community. It is our goal to be a present and positive force of young leadership when and where we are needed to serve and assist, and to establish a relationship with the adult community leaders, so that we can all work together to improve our community.

As an important part of our mission, we will hold ourselves and our peers accountable for always striving to be the best individuals we can be, so that we can be our best collectively.

Our motto is, "Breaking stereotypes and glass ceilings!" Because our neighborhood has a history of negative activities, the youth of our community are challenged with overcoming hurdles and issues many other young people don't encounter. One of those hurdles is breaking the stereotype that ALL young people from our community are bad or troubled. We're here to break that stereotype.

Another misconception is that because many of our families are considered "poor" by income guidelines that we must all be poor students. We're here to break that stereotype too.

We're here to help our peers rise up. To celebrate each others accomplishments. To be a shoulder to lean on, a word of encouragement and the baseball bat needed to break glass ceilings when told this is as far as you can go. That's what we're here for. That is the mission.


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